



Our curriculum’s core classes will give you foundational knowledge in computer science and information systems and build on those skills with classes in other disciplines like business management and accounting. We’ll connect you to valuable experiential learning opportunities—from creating simple video games to completing a highly skilled project or internship—that will attract future employers and prepare you for this exciting, 发展的行业.


MAGT 131:管理概念
介绍管理的原则,包括计划, 组织, 人员配备, 领先的, 控制与策略. 4个学分

MIS 145:管理信息系统
This course covers the fundamentals of information systems with an emphasis on business intelligence systems. The latest advances in these systems are covered along with topical references to ethical and societal issues. This course is designed to help students function more effectively and efficiently as managers, 决策者, 以及商界领袖. Students learn to use data analysis software for summarization and visualization of critical business data. 前提条件:有使用Microsoft Excel和Access的经验. 4个学分

这条路是信誉最好的网投十大平台方便和 灵活的在线课程你可以每八周修完四到八个学分.

每周只上一到两个晚上的课, you may earn an average of 30 credits in one year and complete your bachelor's degree in four years. You can go as fast or as slow as your schedule and learning style requires: Study one night a week, 一周两个晚上,甚至更快.


Prepare for high-demand jobs in web development, software engineering and information technology

As an adult student in our undergraduate 计算机信息系统 program, you can expect the same individualized attention from faculty and academic and career advisors as you would in a more traditional setting. You’ll work one-on-one with an advisor who will help you stay on track and make sure you’re taking the correct courses. 

根据美国大学和雇主协会的数据, computer science is one of the best paying four-year degrees a student can earn, and our  learning experiences take place from the first class through the last so you’re prepared to work with industry-standard technology as soon as you graduate.

You’ll also have the opportunity to participate in professional networking and career building experiences, such as the Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance and the Oracle Academic Initiative, 它能提供各种Windows软件的体验, 基于Macintosh和UNIX的系统.



We're committed to making sure our graduate programs are accessible and affordable for all students.


这个项目的学生有资格获得联邦财政援助, and we allow an interest-free grace period for students receiving employer reimbursement. 


我们接受其他认可机构的学分转换. 成绩单评估,以确定多少学分将转移, as well as how a student’s former coursework meets Simpson’s degree requirements.


We value the work you've already done and think it should count toward your degree. If you’re at least 25 years of age and classified as a freshman or sophomore at Simpson, 你可以在录取过程中提交一份生活经历档案. LEP最多可以获得24个学分, which you can use to meet the 150-hour requirement for CPA exam eligibility.

Many employers reimburse their employees’ tuition after a class has been completed, and we offer the chance to delay payment until 45 days after the term ends. 直到课程结束后你才需要付钱.

在申请过程中, you'll submit transcripts of previous undergraduate work from other accredited institutions if applicable. 然后对成绩单进行评估,以确定将转移多少学分, 以及你以前的课程是否符合网投正规靠谱娱乐平台的学位要求.