

CJ Pay 2

Interdisciplinary coursework makes you well-rounded and ready to work

我们的课程侧重于主要来自社会科学的知识. You'll learn to apply criminological theories to concrete situations, analyze and interpret social science data, 对专业情况作出合乎道德的回应,并批评美国的权力和不平等问题.S. impact 刑事司法 outcomes. In addition to required core courses, 您将与学术顾问协商选择选修课程,并参加实地工作以实践专业行为标准.


ECON 135: Applied Statistics
通过商业应用研究描述和推理统计的基础知识. Topics include central tendency and variability, 频率分布, elementary probability theory, 二项, 正常的, 和t分布, 抽样理论, 置信区间, 假设检验, 回归分析. Prerequisite: One of: MATH-105/105T,Math-130/130T, 数学ACT达到22分或更高, or Math SAT of 530 or higher. 主修社会科学的学生应该修SOC/PSYC-210而不是这门课. Credit will not be given for both SOC-210 or PSYC-215 and ECON-135. (定量). 4个学分

SOC 321: Methods of Social 研究
现代方法被用于收集、分析和解释社会数据. 使用数据库管理和统计软件包对研究结果进行评估. 个人研究任务和课堂项目向学生介绍处理特定类型的理论和社会研究问题的技术. 先决条件:SOC 210和以下之一:SOC 320或CJ 342或CJ 343. (INFOLIT). 4个学分

This major is part of Simpson College's convenient and 灵活的在线课程,你可以每八周完成四到八个学分,完全以在线形式完成.


Prepare to address contemporary issues of 刑事司法

As an adult student in our undergraduate 刑事司法 program, 你可以期待从教师、学术和职业顾问那里得到与在传统环境中相同的个性化关注. 你会有一个一对一的指导老师,他会帮助你保持正轨,并确保你选对了课程, with your career goals front and center.

You’ll learn the components of the 刑事司法 system, the value of research and analysis, and the theoretical explanations for crime and criminal behavior. 该计划植根于刑事司法系统中多样性问题和道德决策的重要性, 您将与专业刑事司法社区的成员建立联系并向他们学习,以了解和发展对执法未来的见解, 为了所有人的福祉.





Students in this program are eligible for federal financial aid, 我们允许学生获得雇主报销的免息宽限期. 


We accept transfer credits from other accredited institutions. Transcripts are evaluated to determine how many credits will transfer, 以及学生以前的课程是否符合网投正规靠谱娱乐平台的学位要求.

Take Advantage of Every Opportunity

我们重视你已经完成的工作,并认为它应该计入你的学位. 如果你年满25岁,是网投正规靠谱娱乐平台大学的大一或大二学生, you can submit a Life Experience Portfolio during the admissions process. The LEP can earn up to 24个学分, which you can use to meet the 150-hour requirement for CPA exam eligibility.

Employer Reimbursement Cuts Interest Costs
许多雇主会在员工上完课后报销他们的学费, and we offer the chance to delay payment until 45 days after the term ends. You won’t have to pay until after the course ends.

During the application process, 如果适用,您将提交其他认可机构以前的本科工作成绩单. Transcripts are then evaluated to determine how many credits will transfer, as well as how your former coursework meets Simpson’s degree requirements.